13 December 2007

I totally failed at NoIsNaAdBeMo.

I still plan on posting the movie. I hope I can get that done tonight, but I found out today that one of my good friends from college killed himself last week, AND I'm seeing someone AND I need to break up with him ASAP because he's a Philistine and I'm an elitist, AND requisite holiday drinking is here, AND I have to do laundry, AND I either need to cook my pork loin or freeze it because it's not an infinite meat. I wonder if I could prepare it and then freeze it? Par bake it or something? I need kitchen string.

Fucking adulthood.

Do I need to mention my shitty mood?

Today I want my mommy more than ever.

Firstmoms: If your daughter was going to get you something for Christmas, and it was the first present she'd ever gotten you, what would you want?


Judy said...

Oh M., I'm so sorry about your college friend. How difficult.

I got through NaBlahblahblah, but then I felt like, "what for?" so I'm thinking you were the smart one. ;)

I'm hoping you have a Merry Merry. Or at least a Merry.

~ Judy

KristySearching said...

First Gift Ever, Let's see, you had to make it difficult *hah* it is my first Christmas since I found my daugher and I do not need anything else than having found her and I am sure your 1st mom feels the same, but if I would choose, it would be something that means something to her. Maybe you could give her something that would remind her of you. I treasure seeing the pictures of the moments in Sarah's life I have missed, yes it makes me sad that I missed them but it is a bonding experience. How about a grouping of pics in one of those frame books. They have some really nice wooden ones that have spaces for 10-15 pictures or you could go all techie and get a digital frame and upload pics of yourself that will play in like a video clip. :) Stay warm this weekend and I am very sorry to hear about your friend.

Ungrateful Little Bastard said...

I am so, so sorry about your friend. That's horrible.